April 22, 2009
Drove from Crown Point, IN (to Three Floyds Brewpub and then) along Route 30 to Cedar Rapids, through some of the flooded-out areas up to my parents place in the country between Shellsburg and Urbana, Center Point and Vinton. Going slow because the car temp is crazy. Finally made it to my parents place last […]
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April 19, 2009
The new tank is leaking…I cleaned up the area so I could try and figure out where the problem really is and dumped a bunch of water on the tank. Started the car and there’s a continuous bubble on the side of the tank where the two colors of plastic are fused. Share on Facebook
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April 17, 2009
Back in Atlanta, and man it feels weird. So many things have been torn down or moved or built in new locations. Decatur has gotten way more popular than it was when I lived there. Most of the locals from days of yore have found various other hangouts, partners, cities, occupations, lives, including us. It’s […]
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April 14, 2009
Eventually figured out where the coolant link was coming from. After we survived a windy night parked in a Walmart in ATL (bad enough a tree fell down on a car on Peachtree Battle and killed the driver). As we started heading to R. Thomas to eat the car temp started rising. Popped the hood […]
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April 11, 2009
So after a breakfast of benigets and coffee, I took Roy out to the village of Ironton today; it’s where my grandfather was born. Shot pictures of things, like my great grandfather’s church, family graves, the levee. Most of the buildings I remember are gone, blown away in Katrina, replaced by trailers…. Roy could spot family […]
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April 10, 2009
We’re waking up on the east side of Texas. New Mexico was insane winds, road closures, and dust storms. Texas? It’s on fire. (At Electra, TX) We passed refinery fires, oil field fires, wildfires, saw homes burned down, train tracks on fire, ranches on fire, people evacuated, police roadblocks, the works. The smoke was so thick […]
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April 6, 2009
The head gasket is okay! The water pump, however, not so much. The helpful gentlemen at Babbitt Ford checked out the car, and aside from fixing the pump, everything was okay. We took the car and towed Shorty up and over the San Francisco mountains (6% grade) to see if it threw up again. It […]
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April 5, 2009
As we were limping to Flagstaff, we stopped at a truck stop in Bellemont, AZ. In my stall in the bathroom there was a political screed: “OBAMA JUST WANTS YOUR MONEY AND YOUR FREEDOM YOUR ?????? AND YOUR GUNS something else innocuous HE IS THE NEW HITLER” Race wasn’t even a part of it. Brave […]
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April 4, 2009
I am never allowed to drive the approach to Williams, AZ on I40 ever again. Ever. The first time, Thanksgiving 05, I was behind the wheel, towing Shorty (the illustrious teardrop trailer) up what I discovered later was a miserable incline* attempting to pass a semi** with another semi on my tail*** when I suddenly lose all power to […]
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April 1, 2009
Yesterday I put some finishing touches on the top shelf in the kitchen: put some thin finished birch plywood behind the speakers, on the shelf itself, and in front as a lip to keep things from jumping off the shelf when we’re moving. I mis-measured the front and will need to make it taller, but […]
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