April 13, 2009
Leaving New Orleans on 10 East, we start to see the rows and rows of the houses that haven’t been restored yet. Some collapsed, many more with search and rescue spray paint still on them. Office parks, freeway exits, big-box stores with trees growing in the empty parking lots. A man at the gas station […]
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April 12, 2009
Going to start to pack up and head on out to ATL before Courtney totally convinces Katie to join the NOLA Roller Derby Girls. Or Katie convinces Courtney to take up the accordian. (Courtney refers to the trees covered with Spanish moss as “big Gandalf looking trees”.) Share on Facebook
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April 11, 2009
Update of some stuff I’d typed but didn’t have the connection to post. Flagstaff: Arrived in Flagstaff on Sunday, not many auto-shops open. We looked up the Lincoln-Mercury dealership, I figure they can hook the sucker up and know exactly what’s wrong with it, and they happen to be located within about 5 blocks of […]
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April 5, 2009
We spent night 2 parked on a street in Williams, AZ, less than a block away from Grand Canyon Brewing. What else can you do in a case like this, but climb into the trailer, heat up the electric bed warmer, and watch an episode of Dynasty? We decide to follow up Ray’s connection (his […]
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April 4, 2009
I am never allowed to drive the approach to Williams, AZ on I40 ever again. Ever. The first time, Thanksgiving 05, I was behind the wheel, towing Shorty (the illustrious teardrop trailer) up what I discovered later was a miserable incline* attempting to pass a semi** with another semi on my tail*** when I suddenly lose all power to […]
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April 4, 2009
Only 4 hours of driving, but we got the heck out of Frisco. Spent the night in the Fresno, CA Walmart, Jenkins Ave. parking lot. Grabbing a tiny bit of food (I thought Walmart was supposed to have cheap prices…this seems higher than Safeway in SF)  and back to the road. Share on Facebook
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April 3, 2009
Only thing not crossed of the list is LAPTOP, then we just need to carry stuff to the car, hook up shorty, and we’re gone. I wonder what the future holds. Share on Facebook
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