in the country
So after a breakfast of benigets and coffee, I took Roy out to the village of Ironton today; it’s where my grandfather was born. Shot pictures of things, like my great grandfather’s church, family graves, the levee. Most of the buildings I remember are gone, blown away in Katrina, replaced by trailers…. Roy could spot family resemblance in some of the kin I introduced. Said she looked like both me and my niece. I thought she looked like my aunt.
We’ve been having fun on the trip so far, but we are working the boo-snot out of the car. Looks like the Florida and DC legs are scrapped, although ATL is still on the table. (be warned, peeps) As usual, we’re playing by ear.
Another discovery on this trip: the longest I’ve gone without a shower in the past was 8 days (one particularly filthy burningman, natch). This was done in the high desert, where things were dry. When on the road, the longest I can stand not bathing* is 3 days. Any more than that and I get real unpleasant. The shower this morning was divine. (thank you, katie n tony!)
The lesson I’ve been concentrating on is gratitude. Gratitude for everything, big and small. Travelling seems to make the small things clearer.
Signing out from New Orleans, merry Easter, y’all.
*but still taking birdbaths
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