amateur car census
I’m not sure if this is contrary or not, but in our travels on the freeway/interstates and some side roads through TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, my anecdotal estimation of what the makeup of the cars on the road as compared to San Francisco and the greater Bay Area is that there’s almost no difference. Especially once in Atlanta, GA. The major difference is that you have to take off about 60% of the high end SUV’s that you would see in SF and replace those by pickups. But the Car vs. SUV/Truck balance looks to be about the same.
Certainly less motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, and bicycles on the freeways than in San Francisco. And there’s a shortage on the long-haul freeways of those other vehicles that belong in cities or suburbs where you have to drive everywhere you’d want to go; Prius’ and Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV’s) belong on most of those roads like a tractor belongs on the Atlanta Connector.
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