Live from the Central Time Zone

April 10, 2009

We’re waking up on the east side of Texas. New Mexico was insane winds, road closures, and dust storms. Texas? It’s on fire. (At Electra, TX) We passed refinery fires, oil field fires, wildfires, saw homes burned down, train tracks on fire, ranches on fire, people evacuated, police roadblocks, the works. The smoke was so thick we didn’t even get a decent sunset out of the deal. It was also thick enough to blot out the moonrise. Once we did catch sight of the moon, it looked like dried blood. Creepy. We’re on the other side of the fires now, but everything has a faint smell of smoke to it. The air here smells wet, the kind of wet I haven’t smelled in ages.

As of this moment, the plan is to head down to New Orleans. There’s a few things I want to see and show Roy.  After that, no idea whatsoever.

2 Responses to “Live from the Central Time Zone”




    We’re following along, hoping you put up lot o’ pics! πŸ™‚

  2. You are a bit ahead of us. Hmmm. Burning Texas?? I guess we will see how it is in a week or so.

    I can’t wait to get to New Orleans… One of my favorite places! πŸ™‚

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